H Zhou Works

Thursday, December 09, 2010

The project report on the local newspaper

A high-rise community offers more homes than the other housing types for the people in a populous urban area. However it also burdens the land with more human activities interfering the local hydrologic circle which is an important ecological process to keep the water balance of the nature. In conventional projects the rain infiltration into soil is interupted by the concrete structures. At 3000 Li (Sanqiangli) High-rise Community a typical water treatment is adopted as an attempt to ease the forementioned concern. The rainwater is collected for irrigation, landscape water features and toilet flushing. Most importantly, the excess water is deverted into the pools and swamps adjacent to the project. The landscape grading in the center garden is artistically manipulated to direct rainwater into the designated cisterns. The straight pedestrain pathes are arranged according to the shortcuts and integrated with fire-fighting zones. The two wedge-shape corridors offer uniformed landscape features to connect the two project phases divided by a public street.


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